Monday, October 1, 2007

Impossible requirements

After some conversations in Skypeland, I have observed that a lot of people believe two or more contradictory things simultaneously. Also, many of the desires and complaints that they express conflict with each other.

For example, many are furious at the US because they say the US is unfair. There are 50,000 illegal Irish immigrants in the US. Many Irish say this situation is unfair because the US changed the law to make nonEuropean US immigrants preferred. In the next breath, these same people say the US is unfair for letting in too many European immigrants. They want both more nonEuropean immigrants and fewer at the same time.

Another complaint I have heard from the Europeans is that the US is selfish and greedy for trying to enforce its laws on illegal immigration. Then in the next moment, these same people will complain that the US is awful and stupid for not enforcing its immigration laws. They want the US to enforce its immigration laws and not enforce its immigration laws at the same time.

Also, it is common for Muslims to complain that the US is intervening in Muslim countries. In the next breath these same people complain that the US is not deposing more despots in Muslim countries. They want the US to interfere and not interfere at the same time.

Some people from oil-producing countries, or developing nations like Brazil, or others, express contradictory views about economics. They want to sell the US more of their goods, so they can have more money and live better. At the same time, they want the US to buy less of their goods because they view that as exploitation of their countries. So they want the US to buy more and less, simultaneously.

I have also witnessed similar confusion about the media. Some distrust government and think it is manipulating the people and shaping their opinions in a malevolent way. These same people will also claim that the private media is has an evil agenda and should be strictly controlled and regulated by the government. They want the government to control the media more and less at the same time.

Interestingly, these people are not able to perceive that there is a problem with these kinds of inconsistent views. Or they are not willing to admit it, anyway.

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