Wednesday, October 17, 2007


In a Skypeland room about conspiracies, I heard a lively discussion by a British man and several others who suggested that the human race was secretly controlled by a reptilian race from a moon called "Dracos". All the American leaders are supposedly and secretly reptilians from outer space.

These people even provided "proof" for this. The proof is in the secret societies and magical symbols on the US dollar bill. The British man believed that Jesus was taken up into a spaceship by these reptilians, but also maybe Jesus was the devil. He described another race of visitors from outer space called the Annunaki who last visited the earth 3600 years ago and dumbed-down human genetic code to make them more stupid (This certainly appears to have been effective in this case). He said that the medical symbol, the caduceus, secretly represents DNA (actually the caduceus with two snakes is really the magical staff of Hermes, and the true physician's staff is the staff of Asclepius or Asklepian which has one snake

The British man told us that the "kundalini" connects to your "chakra centers" and runs up your spine. Someone asked if the person talking had ever done any hallucinogenic drugs, and the person lecturing admitted he had in the past and had done too much (Yes maybe a bit too much). He also had overdosed on alcohol on occasion he said.

The British man said that Satan had secretly been sent to another planet. He said that if we start up any kind of technology, we will open up a wormhole that will allow Satan to come back to earth. Satan has supposedly sent us the knowledge to allow a craft to enter our realm.

The British man learned all this since his third eye opened 10 or 11 years ago. As another piece of evidence, the British man took a picture of a piece of tin foil and found it showed beasts coming through dark clouds and a dark rider on the back of a chariot. He said the Annunaki have an underground base in Antarctica. One piece of evidence for this theory they presented is that almost all leaders of the US have a rare skin disease, including George Bush and Ronald Reagan.

What is interesting is that the entire room of a couple dozen people seemed to be familiar with these stories, and believed them to be true. When I tried to get people to explain further, they sighed as though they could not believe anyone was as ignorant as me. They were astonished that I had to ask for explanations.

I asked for sources, the people in the room also provided a number of websites where I could learn about this worldview:

Another piece of evidence they gave is that all native cultures have stories about snake men who are shape shifters. The Indians talk about the Nagas, who are snakemen. He said he did not like to call these "conspiracy theories" since this term is used by people to discredit them.

Someone else said that UFOs are not extraterrestrials but the Chinese moving backwards in time. Another chimed in that Area 51 is just a testing area for anti-gravity space technology.

Then someone who is an "expert" in this material said that the Pledian Defense League's Seventh Fleet Command is keeping watch over the earth, but is not connected with the Syrian Federation (from the Syrian Star system; Syrians have full consciousness, and are defending our solar system). The Syrians supposedly influenced the Atlantians to alter our DNA about 50,000 years ago. He said that there is a "Karmic Board of Directors" that makes decisions for our planet that includes the Virgin Mary. He said that if you do not cleanse the body regularly by taking in salt water, you will grow scales and fangs.

I was told that people who push these conspiracy theories and are against Zionism are called "paleocons", but are not extreme right wing people like the Klu Klux Klan. Ah...such good information...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

god told me you were to write words of my chat with you... . he also led me here......not long after you had wrote it......but later in the night......god wanted me to reply to you.........just to let you cant hide anything from "GOD" and peace be with you my brother..