Saturday, October 13, 2007

Cindy Sheehan

A massive bit of confusion erupted in Skypeland in a room run by people from the UK. The UK people claimed that no one is allowed to protest the war in the UK; if people do protest the war, supposedly they would be arrested. I said that people were allowed to protest the war in the US. The people in the UK disagreed. I said we could go down right now and protest on the steps of the US capital if they wanted. The people in the UK disagreed and said something about the USA Patriot Act. I said we could protest outside the White House if we wanted. People in the room said one could not get close to the White House after 9/11. I said this was incorrect. Someone mentioned Cindy Sheehan and said she was arrested outside the White House. I said she might have tried to get arrested, but I supported her right to protest (Reading the article I linked in here, clearly Cindy Sheehan and her compatriots tried to get arrested and were only required to pay a fine of $50).

A lady from the UK came up and asked over and over who the lady was we were talking about. We told her it was Cindy Sheehan. The lady from the UK said Cindy Sheehan should show some respect. I said Cindy Sheehan is allowed to protest but she might have done something to try to get arrested. The UK lady said I should be ashamed of myself.

The UK lady then launched into a long diatribe about how Cindy Sheehan had lost her son over nothing and Cindy Sheehan was allowed to be upset and should be allowed to protest. The UK lady went on and on and on about how terrible I am and the UK lady said I should show respect. The UK lady then asked what lady we were talking about, and was told that we were talking about Cindy Sheehan. I said several times I thought she was confused, since we seemed to agree that Cindy Sheehan should be allowed to protest if she wanted. I noted that the lady from the UK seemed to want to pick a fight with me.

The UK lady again asked what woman we were talking about. We said it was Cindy Sheehan. This just made the lady from the UK angrier yet. She continued to attack me, and I said she was confused, since we agreed that Cindy Sheehan should be allowed to protest. The host of the room shut my microphone off and then turned it back on after lecturing me a bit for being a jerk. The lady from the UK again asked what lady we were talking about, and was told we were talking about Cindy Sheehan. But by then, I had had enough, and I said I would turn off my microphone and just write what I had heard. This made them even angrier still. Oh well... (As I think back about this incident, I cannot for the life of me understand it. She seemed to have a complete inability to follow a conversation, and seemed to want desperately to get into an argument, even if it meant contradicting herself every few minutes...)

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