Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A complete mockery

Obviously some in Skypeland are not happy that I am writing this blog. Here is an example from a profile a friend directed me to recently:

*X is reporting your skypecast and recording skypecast, creating conspiracys against each other (Creating conspiracys against each other? What on earth does THAT mean?) While making a complete mockery of your thoughts and opinions on blogs. (Interesting. I am not the same person as X of course, but I wonder if anyone really believes it is much effort to make a "complete mockery" of the thoughts and opinions expressed in Skypeland as reported in this blog... I think people pretty much speak for themselves and they do not like anyone to disagree with their assorted nonsense and hate-mongering. Most people are able to make a mockery of themselves without much effort at all from me. All I do is point out their fallacies and inconsistencies and ridiculous statements. If that offends, well, too bad...) down with this neocon. (If someone believes I am a "neocon", or that X is, they have not listened to us very carefully, and that would be another perfect example of something that could be mocked...)

1 comment:

Edgewalker™ said...
