Friday, May 22, 2009

Choir of retards

A perfect example of the reason Skypeland forums often have to be put on automute came up today in Skypeland. We were subjected to a "bit of mucus".

I was talking to the lovely T about the sorts of dangers that present themselves to a woman travelling alone in Arabic countries (see the blog post, "Four days at Mohammed International") when Mucus and his pal Mrs. B entered. They demanded that all other conversation cease. I guess they wanted to prattle on about how hard it is for them to arrange to access the Skypeland discussion without paying by using 3G phones, SIM cards and other paraphernalia.

Mucus asked why the normally polite D had called the lady from Maine a "cunt" a few days ago. Mucus and Mrs. B started speculating about why this could have happened.

However, I knew exactly why she was called a name. The lady from Maine entered in the middle of an immense battle with the Holocaust denier CD, and interrupted with nonsense in the middle of the debate. Several others did as well, or even joined in on the side of the Holocaust denier CD. And so D, out of frustration, told the lady from Maine to shut up, in a fairly rude way.

I tried to explain this several times to Mucus. He talked over me constantly and told me he did not need to have anything explained to him, since he knew everything already (oh really? For one of the stupidest and most ignorant people I have ever talked to, that is quite a statement). Mrs. B joined in, as part of the patented "Mucus Choir of Retards".

These two "nitwit Brits" demanded that I leave them alone in the room so they could have a "proper British discussion". A few times in the past, moderators have come into a pro-American discussion and found a "nest" of a half dozen Brits talking about how much they hate the US and Americans. This lead to the policy of setting the room on automute, so that incoming visitors are not able to speak until a moderator unmutes them.

Mrs. B claimed that the UK is superior to the US since he has free speech, and can burn the UK flag in the UK, while Americans supposedly will be arrested if they burn the US flag. Mrs. B said that he wanted to burn the UK flag anyway, since he felt it was no longer his flag and just a rag. Mrs. B was asked what freedoms of his were eroded, and he said that since he can't light up a cigarette in a public building, or anywhere he likes, his freedom has eroded. He also felt that recent news about MPs with their "hands in the till" showed that his freedoms had been curtailed.

Thankfully, the moderators returned to terminate this discussion prematurely.

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