Monday, May 25, 2009

Definition of character

In Skypeland, assorted mental midgets like to throw around legal threats of one kind or another. The incredible mystery man A is probably the champion of legal threats, making them over and over to all and sundry. The mystery man A's position is basically that it is against the law for anyone to disagree with his views promoting anti-Americanism and conspiracy theories (or at least it should be illegal to disagree with him, according to the mystery man A).

The "muck expert" Mucus and the incomprehensible Mrs. B, a sort of moronic Mutt and Jeff duo, claim that I have violated some law with my blog posts. Mucus and Mrs. B assert that I have have engaged in "definition of character". I would love to see the look on a British solicitor's face when Mucus and Mrs. B try to claim that my anonymous writings about anonymous unnamed unidentified composite characters on the internet, published with a disclaimer, violate some sort of legal principle, particularly the well known offense, "definition of character".

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