Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mouse the cat

In Skypeland, one often can overhear background noises, such as bewildered family members who do not understand why their loved one is wasting so much time "talking to their computer". Many in Skypeland have pets as well, and cats and dogs are often heard in the background.

Skypeland visitors can follow the lives of these pets. While most people in Skypeland use pseudonyms for themselves, and sometimes for their spouses and children, I do not know of any who give their pets pseudonyms. I will therefore take the liberty of not disguising the names of these pets.

C is an elderly Dane and retired military officer who often interrupts conversations with non sequiturs. Although he has stopped drinking now, C often used to appear in Skypeland completely sloshed and combative; at these times, C made almost no sense at all. C would not listen to the ongoing discourse, and would blurt out completely off-topic reminiscences, incoherent nonsensical narratives or other inanities. C often appends a trailing coda of ejaculations after many of his stories, chanting "No doubt, no doubt, no doubt" after each of his anecdotes and aphorisms. C repeats the same material over and over, often speaking over others, to their annoyance.

C is very proud of Denmark and becomes very defensive of Denmark when he deems that someone has insulted Denmark. If anyone speaks more than a few seconds, C will accuse them of "talking too much" and tell them to "piss off". C calls everyone he runs into a "bastard", but lectures others about "swearing too much"; it is not clear if he understands that the word "bastard" and possibly even the word "piss" are curses in English.

C has two pets that everyone in Skypeland knows: Donna the dog, who is a bit overweight, and Mus the cat, which means "mouse" in Danish but is pronounced "moose". C takes Donna for a walk every day, sometimes with his daughter and her dog. Donna likes to go to the park and to go swimming.

When Mus sees C and Donna going out for a walk, Mus always follows right along. I guess Mus figures that if everyone else is going out, there might be some sort of adventure or excitement involved, and he wants to be part of it.

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