Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tea bagging

People around the world pick up bits and pieces of information from the media and the internet. Skypeland is a good place to explore this. BS, a young man from China, came to Skypeland and was advised by S the moderator to start a boy scout troop in China. S told BS all the advantages of scouting and what the young men who are boy scouts could learn in scouting programs. Some advised BS to watch out for "kiddie fiddlers" if he was going to start a boyscout troop.

BS was not familiar with the English expression "kiddie fiddler". One Skypelander explained that "kiddie fiddlers' are pederasts; adults, usually men, that were attracted and drawn to young men sexually. After some contemplation, suddenly BS realized what the Skypelander was talking about. In his Chinese-accented, broken English, BS said "Ah so! Yes! Like tea-bagging! I learn tea bagging from watching Prison Break".

Amazing what pieces of culture are being transmitted across the globe in the modern era.

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