Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It is all your fault

A lot of the discussions in Skypeland are enlightened by current events and what is in the news. Today on CSPAN, the Pakistani Parliamentarian Marvi Memon (see her blog at ) presented some of her views.

Her views were astounding. Basically, she said that all the problems with Islamic Extremism worldwide were created by two things: the existence of Israel, and not allowing Pakistan to occupy Kashmir. Memon said that disgraced resigned Pakistani President Perez Musharraf had been the greatest leader that Pakistan ever had. She fumed and bristled, and demanded that the United States owed Pakistan vastly more money than the billions and billions of dollars that they have poured into Pakistan. She said that the US was at fault for any trouble inside Pakistan because they had not sealed the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan and allowed extremists to enter Pakistan. Securing Pakistan's own borders has nothing to do with Pakistan and was not Pakistan's responsibility. Memon demanded that the US stop using drones inside Pakistan immediately. She said that most of the extremists in Pakistan were secretly Indians who were infiltrating to cause unrest and make Pakistan look bad.

Memon's advice was basically to force India to give Kashmir to Pakistan, get rid of Israel and give Pakstan billions and billions more and then all will be well.

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