Wednesday, May 13, 2009

You sound Jewish

Every so often in Skypeland, someone will attempt to stage some sort of "attack" on another person or another group. In one room that is strongly pro-American, pro-Israel and pro-Jewish, there are waves of attacks by those who want to harass the regular visitors to the room that hold these views. Today, D, a retired secular Jewish gentleman from Greece was asked a series of questions about Catholicism and the Pope by Z, who identified himself as being from the UK. It was a bit strange that Z was very reluctant to tell us what his name was or where he was from, but he did eventually. Z sounded like he was from Jamaica, and had a very thick accent.

I was mildly suspicious to observe that yet another visitor from the UK had appeared, since this room seems to be infested lately with a large group of very angry antisemitic and anti-American Brits (see the blog post, "Brits and butts"). I became more suspicious when Z kept making references to P, the first name of PM (see the blog post "The UK is more culturally diverse") . I didn't think PM was in the room, but I wondered.

Z asked all kinds of ridiculous questions about the Pope and Catholicism, but Z seemed to have almost no knowledge of history or current events. When D started describing the Croatian Catholic slaughter of hundreds of thousands of their neighbors during World War II, the prominent conspiracy theorist BT, a college student from Florida, piped up (featured in the blog posts, "Japan surrendered before Pearl Harbor" and "Hitler drank Coca Cola") . BT claimed that the killings by the Croatians were all an "inside job" and a "false flag operation". I was immediately suspicious about the relation between Z and BT. However, Z claimed that there was no connection and tried to continue the conversation.

However, as D was trying to explain, Z insisted in interrupting and asking D if he was a Jew. When D said he was an atheist Jew, BT again interrupted to claim that there is no such thing and start reciting Hebrew. When finally BT was calmed down again, I wanted to know WHY on earth Z was so interested in what D's background was, and why Z had asked if D is a Jew? Why was Z not asking if D was a Protestant, or an Orthodox Christian, or a Muslim, which were among those killed by the Croatian Catholics during World War II? All of these groups harbor hard feelings towards the Croatian Catholics (as an example, look at the latest series of wars in the Balkans in the 1990s that the US had to intervene in). All of these groups have been offended by statements of the current Pope, as well.

Z stated that D sounded like he was making "Jewish sorts of statements", in a "Jewish sort of way", and was making comments in a "Holocaustish sort of fashion". I was mildly offended by this, and highly suspicious. So I asked, Z in a somewhat provocative way, if Z would be irritated if I said he sounded black, or Jamaican, or that he sounded like he smoked ganja, or that he sounded like a homosexual.

At this point, PM revealed that the entire thing had been a setup, a trap, to try to create chaos and hard feelings. PM had clearly waited until just the right moment, when the Skypeland room was unmoderated, to launch an attack, and brought in a large number of fellow anti-Americans to create disorder and chaos and insult people. This should not have been a surprise, since PM has made it clear repeatedly that he loathes Jews and Americans. And thanks at least in part to my slightly aggressive approach to this situation, the dialogue in the room became impossible to listen to, with insults and nonsense.

And so I left.

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