Friday, May 22, 2009

Peace and love in KSA

In Skypeland, people sometimes try very hard to create a certain image for themselves. One prominent example is R from Saudi Arabia.

R tries to talk in a pleasant, soothing fashion. At first, R talked a lot about the "911 Inside Job" conspiracy theory, asserting that it is inconceivable that Muslims, and in particular Saudis, would have attacked the US using hijacked airplanes. However, when R realized that a lot of Americans were not particularly receptive to this theory, he cleverly backed off and stopped talking about it. A prominent theme in R's "preaching" is that all the problems with Islamic extremists are the World's problems, and Americans must work with Arabs to fix these problems since Americans share a big responsibility for the extremists.

I have maintained that if Americans and/or the West were to try to "fix" the Islamic World and Islamic extremism, it would cause more resentment than already exists. A large part of the grudge that Muslims bear against the US and the West is their perception that the US and/or the West interfere with the internal affairs of Islamic countries and Islamic societies. I feel strongly that the Islamic world must reform itself to become more tolerant and more willing to live in peace with others they share the planet with. When I voice this opinion, it irritates R tremendously, and a few times R has "melted down" because he does not like this message.

However yesterday we had a special treat when S, one of R's close friends from Saudi Arabia came into the Skypeland discussion. S immediately launched into an attack on the US and Americans and George Bush, and bragged and bragged about how superior he is and how superior the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is. S bragged that he knows five languages and has a college degree and a good job at Aramco. Things deteriorated a bit further when S started on a full long description of Building Seven and thermite and false flag operations and other parts of the Church of the 911 Inside Job official creed.

Finally the moderator stepped in with the observation that Mohammed was a pedophile. This resulted in a screamingly violent confrontation. However, it is well established from the Bukhari version of the Hadiths that Mohammed became "engaged" to the young Jewish girl Aisha when she was only 6 years old. The Muslims often proudly state that he is not reported to have had sexual intercourse with Aisha until she had her period at 9, and she married Mohammed. However, it is recorded in the Hadiths that Mohammed engaged in "intercrural sex" with Aisha from the age of 6 until the age of 9. That is, Mohammed rubbed himself between Aisha's legs and on her special parts in a procedure that is translated into into English as "thighing". Aisha testified later that she became quite sick soon after and lost all her hair, and was left infertile; these are all symptoms of syphilis.

Did Mohammed give Aisha syphilis? No one knows for sure. Was Mohammed a pedophile? You have to judge for yourself.

However, I think that we can possibly get some insight into R's beliefs from who he chooses as his close friends.


A day or two later, R showed up in Skypeland, very pleased that such a "positive exchange" had taken place. the Skypelander N who was present when S went on his rampage had a very different account. According to N, S entered the room and immediately said something like, "the US is corrupt and evil, attacked itself on 911 so it could steal Arab oil, is racist and immoral, has whores for women and should be destroyed". From this start, things got worse apparently. And S was somewhat surprised that this sort of opening line would not receive a positive reception, similar to the situatin described in the blog post "A way to make friends".

Absolutely amazing. These same people have very thin skins when their own beliefs or countries are examined critically.

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