Sunday, May 17, 2009

I can't believe you wrote that

As the readership of this blog grows, I often hear comments in Skypeland about the blog. Although I disguise the identity of characters that I have used as inspiration for these blog posts, many are still able to idenify themselves, or think they can identify themselves from what they read in this blog. They mutter and fume and stew about it, and threaten me.

However, many of these same Skypelanders love to read the blog posts inspired by others. One a few days ago told me that he laughed so hard at some of the posts about others in Skypeland that he was crying and had even "pissed his pants". I was struck by this, since this character presents himself as a very tough specimen, and blusters and huffs and puffs considerably.

Yeah I hope these articles are humorous; I try to make them amusing, entertaining and fun to read. However, a lot of people who think they recognize themselves in these writings get their feathers ruffled, even if the identities are obscured. They only think this blog is funny if some other character is teased a little. And then, they love it.


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