Thursday, May 28, 2009

An inside job

There are a lot of flakes in Skypeland. Tuskie-poo, or TP for short, is a 20 year old pothead who lives in Florida and claims to have about 2 years of college under his belt. It is unlikely that TP's studies are in any technical field, since TP does not seem to know any science or engineering or anything even remotely technical. We call him TP since he is the kind of guy that is likely to walk around all day with a bit of used toilet paper stuck to one of his shoes.

TP does not work and is stoned every day. TP plans to move to Mexico to grow his own food and weed since he is disgusted with the US. TP believes that the atomic bombs used on Japan were just "random events" done by an evil US on a Japan that had already surrendered, or a Japan that would have surrendered if they had only been asked.

TP is as ardent believer in "the inside job"; that is, the theory that the 911 attacks were planned and orchestrated by the US government as some sort of covert operation. The people who claim this is true believe that there is a massive cover-up by the government and this "false flag" operation was used as an excuse to attack the innocent Al Qaeda and Taliban forces, as well as remove Sadam Hussein from power.

TP's main interest is the collapse of Building Seven in the World Trade Center complex since it was not hit by any airplanes, but still came down. TP thinks that the only way Building Seven could have fallen down in the way it did is through controlled demolition.

TP has been a proud Inside Job activist, showing up at his Florida town council to demand that they investigate 911, marching in the streets in Florida with a bullhorn yelling about the Inside Job and writing a letter to the FBI demanding that they investigate 911. The FBI sent TP a nice form letter which he proudly brandishes as proof that he is being taken seriously by the highest authorities.

TP fervently believes the piles of youtube videos and google videos that have accumulated since 911 purporting to show that Building Seven (also known as BS) was brought down by controlled demolition. TP demands that all rooms in Skypeland that he frequents talk about nothing else but Building Seven when he is present. All conversations with TP end up focused on BS.

Unfortunately, TP not only has a one-track mind, but he also is given to making insults and assorted death threats. Even when people are extremely nice to him, and give him a chance to lecture, he invariably threatens to hunt them down and kill them. This has happened at least half a dozen times that I know of.

After TP makes a death threat, people on his contact list block him. He also gets banned from Skypeland forums. This drives TP wild, and he tries over and over and over again to get back into the Skypeland discussions so he can preach about the Inside Job, how World War II was a false flag operation and BS.

Last night TP returned to one pro-American Skypeland forum. Since it was a slow night, the moderator allowed him to speak for the first time in months. Sure enough, within a few sentences TP was preaching about BS. TP tried desperately to recruit people who did not subscribe to his BS theories to come on his new internet radio show, which reportedly has about 6 or 7 listeners. I guess TP realizes that having several people who all agree on BS sit around and listen to each other does not make for a very interesting show.

Last night, TP claimed he had graduated from college (when did that happen?), and that he had access to an immense amount of "peer reviewed" studies showing that BS was an inside job. We asked him to show us. He promised to do so.

He said that the studies showing BS was a false flag operation were all performed using the "scientific method". TP stated that everyone else in the room was stupid and did not know what the scientific method was, particularly its new formulation, since he is young and open-minded. At that point, the room included a current chemistry professor, a retired biochemistry professor, 2 physics researchers, a medical school professor, a rocket scientist and a total of about 6 masters degree holders, 3 PhDs in science and an MD by my count. Of course, TP was asked what he meant by this "new scientific method" and he said that in the new scientific method, tests and studies had to be repeated over and over. Does not sound that new to me, frankly.

I said I would add TP's contact information on Skype, since so many young ladies had said things like, "TP Is so cute. He is just a little peanut". To me, it seems like it would be more accurate to say "TP is just a little nut". However, for to satisfy these women, I said I would accept TP's contact information and give him a chance. Aftert hearing this, TP sent me a text message:

[5/27/2009 11:11:31 PM] TP says: im a skype pimp

[5/27/2009 11:11:38 PM] TP says: i got girls from all over

[5/27/2009 11:11:56 PM] TP says: tyland,aussi,england,moraco,ukraine,ect

However, a bit earlier TP had told us that he "hated lesbians" since they were "taking all the pussy" and he "needed all the pussy he could get". It sounds to me that the only real Inside Jobs TP is associated with are the chores around the house his mother tries to get him to do, and "choking his chicken" (at least I hope TP does not do that in public, the way Mr. Wee Wee Hands does).

We said that TP did not know the basic principles which he was using to demonstrate that BS was destroyed by controlled demolition. We asked TP what "free fall" was, and he was unable to describe it. TP even said that buildings would fall faster in Mars since there was more gravity on Mars than there is on earth. Asked about air resistance, TP was not able to describe the effects of air resistance accurately. When TP was told he needed to learn about basic physics before he could evaluate these inside job theories and claims, he told us not to "patronize" him.

TP uses the word "patronize" so often, with no apparent understanding of what the word means, that one of the Skypeland participants advised him to stop using it. Patronize, patronize, patronize; you would think TP is a hot dog stand. However, from TP's attitude about lesbians, it is clear that TP is not serving up many frankfurters.

TP said he did not get any of his ideas from the internet or any internet videos, such as those made by talk show host Alex Jones, since he is a "free thinker", but somehow almost everything TP said is a carbon copy of what is claimed in one 911 truther video after another. TP said repeatedly that he never reads or watches anything produced by Alex Jones.

I said that if you gave me a button to click every time I heard something ridiculous or incorrect in one of these 911 truther videos, I would click the button every few seconds. TP accused me of making an "ad hominem" attack with this statement. Someone tried to explain to TP that an ad hominem attack would be a personal attack, like telling TP he was a "fucking idiot". However, saying there are problems with the truther arguments was not an ad hominem attack. I do not think TP absorbed this information.

When we asked TP repeatedly for a peer-reviewed study, he first provided me with a letter to the editor in a minor Florida newspaper. Then he gave me the link to an editorial by Alex Jones in the journal "911 Studies", which is published by an operation equivalent to a "vanity press". In this editorial, Alex Jones berates his fellow truthers for not creating peer-reviewed studies using the scientific method so they can be taken seriously by the mainstream. Finally TP directed me to a google video of a lecture given by architect Richard Gage who founded the Architects for 911 Truth. As I started to watch this 2 hour video, I saw it was replete with all the same nonsense I had seen dozens of times before:

*Gage made the claim that no other building had ever collapsed in this way because of fire. Just because Gage claims this is true means nothing. I need to see this backed up by a massive statistical study of all the high rise building fires for decades, organized by building design. I need quantitative measurements and data. I can't evaluate the gratuitous assertions of one guy.

*Gage repeated the claim that only a controlled demolition could result in the "pancaking" of the floors. Again, I need to see the evidence backing up this assertion. Someone just making it means nothing. This statement also is contradicted by the NIST study and some recent work by an MIT professor.

*Gage made the claim that the dust cloud after the collapse was only consistent with a controlled demolition. Oh really? Prove it.

*The video included the claim that "squibs" were seen being set off to bring down the building. Oh yes? Where is the data? The evidence?

*Once again I heard the claim that there was "unusual insider trading" before 911. Where is the statistical analysis and the data?

After just a few minutes of this video, I decided I had seen enough. There was nothing new in it that I saw. The video is long and tedious and not a peer-reviewed study. There is no scientific evidence in the video. I am not going to sit around and watch hours and hours more of this garbage. What is the point?

The NIST study was quite detailed, and if any truther wants to be taken seriously, they are going to have to repeat and refute the multi-year study that the NIST team did. And then get it published, in a mainstream peer-reviewed journal; not in something like 911 Studies. TP said I was a "fucking coward" and otherwise berated me for not wanting to waste hours and hours showing where these truther conspiracy theories are wrong. However, I think that is completely futile, since 911 truthers like TP will not listen to anything anyone else has to say on the subject, and ignore all the other information that makes their theory unlikely at best.

Then TP made it clear that he is at least being fed rumors and other information by the Mystery Man A and his minion, the shrill shrew and graduate student J. I suspect that it is more likely that TP is being "handled" by this mystery man troll. TP tried to pump me for personal information, such as what I look like and where I live. All pretty transparent and amateurish. Then TP asked if I feared for my life and then said I should fear for my life. Oh yes? Why is that? Because I do not find the truther arguments compelling? So TP will threaten me, just as the mystery man A does? Sounds rational.

Exactly true to form, TP had made another death threat. And that is a repeatable experiment, as required by the scientific method. Every time TP is allowed to open his mouth, he starts to talk about BS, and makes a death threat. Perfectly repeatable and perfectly predictable.

And so once again, TP was blocked and banned.


TP returned to a Skypeland room today and announced to the shrill shrew J that he was "now allowed to come to the room once in a while". I sat and listened, and then said what I had heard from TP the night before, that TP had tried to get ahold of my information for J and the mystery man A. And then threatened me.

J flew into a rage at this, and said she hoped I would enjoy "having the police come to my door again". I would welcome a police visit, and even a discussion with the local federal prosecutor and the FBI, and I would be sure to tell them exactly why J and mystery man A are upset with me, and then consider violating their privacy the way they have violated mine.

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