Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dirty towels

Every so often in Skypeland, one gets a glimpse into people's personal lives. One visitor to Skypeland was telling us about his one and only time with a "lady of the evening". She requested money up front, but then she demanded an extra 50 cents to get a towel. He asked her why she wanted a towel, and she said it was to lay it on the bed so they would not have to change the sheets afterwards. At this point he decided he had heard enough, and told her to keep the money and left.

I said that did not sound that unusual; many women will lay down a towel first. I asked a young lady in the room who sounded very tired and was complaining about being sore if this was true. She agreed and said that of course women lay down towels. She said that after her last weekend, she had an entire washing machine full of towels.

She just hoped that the stains would come out.

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