Saturday, May 23, 2009

Left or right

There can be a lot of confusion about political issues, and Skypeland is a place where one can explore this. F from Germany found an article that showed one of the Danish politicians had proposed forcing the Danes to learn Arabic in school to help the new Muslim immigrants integrate into Danish society. I suggested that this would not work very well, and that the Danes and the Europeans in general are not great at assimilating and integrating foreigners into their societies,cultures and countries. Instead, I said that the Danes and Europeans should learn from the success of the American approach, which seems to work quite well.

Two Danes were in the room during this discussion; the lovely ladies G and H. G felt that it was better to notice that 10 years ago, only 30% of Danish Muslims had jobs, but now 60% of the Danish Muslims were working, according to a report she was reading. This quickly devolved into bragging by the Danes G and H. G and H stated loudly and long that they would never live anywhere else and that Denmark was a superior country to all other countries.

When we tried to bring the topic back to the original plan of the Danish politician to obtain their comments, it was not particularly easy. Finally after several attempts to get G and H's comments, G dismissed the plan to make Danes learn Arabic because the Danish government is a "far right wing" government. H disagreed, and asserted that the Danish government is a far left wing government, not a right wing government at all.

I listened in amazement. These two Danes could not even agree if their country was governed by a left wing or a right wing political party.

I did not quite know what to think.

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